Resources for Henry Steele Commager

Links, Reading and Copyright Clearance

Amherst College: Henry S. Commager and the Commager Project
The Amherst College project to arrange and catalogue the papers of Henry Steele Commager.
Henry Steele Commager - Symposium 2007
The Henry Steele Commager Symposium was held in October 2007. It honored Commager's life and career and featured prominent historians, lawyers and others who knew him well.
Notable American Unitarians: Henry Steele Commager
This biography of Henry Commager was written by by Neil Jumonville and William Warren Rogers.
Research in Review: Henry Steele Commager
A discussion of Henry Steele Commager's place in American history by Andy Lindstrom.
Research in Review: Commager on Vietnam
A discussion of Henry Steele Commager's stance on the Vietnam War, excerpted from "Henry Steele Commager: Midcentury Liberalism and the History of the Present" by Neil Jumonville.
Wikipedia: Henry Steele Commager
The Wikipedia entry about Henry Steele Commager.
Copyright Clearance
Get permission for use and distribution of the writings of Henry Steele Commager. Some titles are available through Copyright Clearance or you may request permission directly from Mary Commager.